NEW YORK Nation’s Restaurant News was named a winner on Friday of a Jesse H. Neal Business Journalism Award, which is considered to be business-to-business publishing’s equivalent of a Pulitzer Prize. The weekly paper was honored in the category of Best Single Issue of a Newspaper/News Tabloid for a special issue published May 21, 2007. The issue, which had the theme, “Making Lemonade,” examined how savvy operators have plotted their way out dire circumstances to prosper again.
In naming NRN the winner in its revenue classification, a presenter from American Business Media lauded the issue for its wide range, solid research basis and outstanding readability.
Another special issue of NRN, “Bright Green Ideas,” was also one of the three finalists for the award.
“The award reflects the superb work that NRN’s editors deliver week after week, month after month,” said Ellen Koteff, NRN’s chief editor. “And it was a team effort, which is fitting for a staff where everyone’s an all-star.”
NRN was chosen for the award in a three-tiered process that began with a screening by business journalists from non-competing publications and websites. A select group of business editors then narrows the field to three finalists, which are passed on to a small jury of journalism professors and editors from the general business press.
NRN is published by Lebhar-Friedman Inc., based here.