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Walmart hungry for fast-food breakfast sales

BENTONVILLE Ark. After grabbing for a piece of the restaurant industry’s pizza business, Walmart has turned its considerable marketing might to stealing breakfast sales. The retailing giant is airing a commercial that asserts families can save $900 per year by forgoing a fast-food breakfast once a week for a morning meal at home.

“A fast-food breakfast can cost up to $5 per person,” says the 30-second spot. “But a Kellogg’s breakfast like this from Wal-Mart is around 50 cents a person.” View the full commercial here. 

The commercial is the latest volley in what some retailers have dubbed “restaurant meal replacement,” a variation on “home meal replacement,” the 1990s expression that foodservice coined to describe its efforts to win more at-home dinner business.

Breakfast has been targeted by most of the major fast-food chains as a new source of incremental sales.

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