Panera Brands announced Tuesday that CEO José Alberto Dueñas has stepped down, effective immediately. Meanwhile, the St. Louis-based parent company to Panera Bread, Caribou Coffee, and Einstein Brands has named company CFO Paul Carbone interim CEO while a search for a new long-term chief executive begins.
The McValue menu is officially here and McDonald’s is pulling out all the stops to promote the new platform, including the recruitment of actor and professional wrestler John Cena to appear in social media campaigns.
Not to be outdone on value, Taco Bell is extending its Luxe Box offerings to include a $5 and a $9 option, in addition to the $7 option launched in June.
After more than a century, White Castle has named its first president outside the Ingram family. The 104-year-old burger chain has appointed Anthony Joseph, who has been with White Castle since 2016, as the company’s first president not related to the family that has always owned White Castle.
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