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4/20 promotions to satisfy the munchies

Restaurants get into the stoner spirit with fun puns and CBD

With the recent infusion of CBD into the culinary world and the legalization of marijuana in several states, restaurants have become more open to what was once “stoner culture”. The mainstreaming of marijuana has brought new innovations in the culinary world but there is still just the right amount of whimsy left.

An unofficial holiday, celebrated by the smoking and consuming of cannabis, commences every year on April 20th or 4/20 bringing cannabis culture to the forefront of culture for a single day out of the year.

The traditional 4/20 crowd hasn’t been forgotten in the dizzying normalization of both cannabis and CBD as there are plenty of places catering to the hungry crowd looking for some junk food and a good laugh on this yearly unofficial holiday. Restaurants are offering both year-round CBD dishes and single day promotions to celebrate.

Click through the gallery to see what’s being offered.

Contact Holly Petre at [email protected]

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