DESTIN FLA. —The general manager of a pub here is feeling less than flush over a recent brouhaha involving the signs leading to his establishment’s restrooms.
Billy Martin removed the signs, which were designed to purposely confuse patrons about which bathroom is for female guests and which one is for men. The men’s room sign read “Ladies,” but had smaller print under it that said women really shouldn’t enter because it actually was for men. The women’s room had a similar sign. —The general manager of a pub here is feeling less than flush over a recent brouhaha involving the signs leading to his establishment’s restrooms.
But the father of a 15-year-old girl who used the “Ladies” room was less than amused after his daughter was surprised by a man who came in to use the bathroom at the same time, embarrassing her enough to make her cry, the Associated Press reported. —The general manager of a pub here is feeling less than flush over a recent brouhaha involving the signs leading to his establishment’s restrooms.
“We’re not trying to be malicious,” Martin said. “It’s an Irish joke kind of thing.” —The general manager of a pub here is feeling less than flush over a recent brouhaha involving the signs leading to his establishment’s restrooms.
So far more than 3,000 customers have signed a petition to bring the signs back. Before the incident, the signs had been up at the pub for 10 years and at another location, in Pensacola, Fla., for 30 years. —The general manager of a pub here is feeling less than flush over a recent brouhaha involving the signs leading to his establishment’s restrooms.