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KFC says use of halal meat to remain limited in U.S.

LOUISVILLE Ky. KFC officials said there are no plans to offer halal meat at U.S. stores despite a widely publicized test currently under way at eight of the quick-service chain’s restaurants in London.

The test in London, which began May 8, was implemented because of the huge demand there for halal meat, which is slaughtered in strict accordance with Islamic law. The test is expected to last through the summer and executives said they would then determine whether to broaden the availability of the meat to more of the 720 KFC units in the United Kingdom.

No such plans exist for the United States, however, said spokesman Rick Maynard.

“KFC Corp. has no plans to test a halal menu,” he said. “We have a few franchise KFC restaurants in the United States that offer a halal menu — in Chicago and Atlanta. We support the efforts of our franchisees, and if a KFC restaurant owner is interested in offering a halal menu we have a process that allows them to make that request to us and then work with a halal-certified supplier.”

Of KFC's 5,200 U.S. stores, "only a handful of franchise locations" serve halal menu items, Maynard said.

"Certification is very complex and the franchisees work directly with suppliers on that process," he said.

Contact Elissa Elan at [email protected]

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