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NRN hosting Twitter chat on 2015 Consumer Picks results

NRN hosting Twitter chat on 2015 Consumer Picks results

Consumer favorites will discuss winning strategies on April 22 at 2 p.m. ET

Nation’s Restaurant News will bring together brands that earned top scores in the 2015 Consumer Picks survey in a Twitter chat.

The chat will be held at 2 p.m. ET on April 22 and will cover the survey results and discuss the brands' strategies for becoming favorites among consumers.

Twitter users are invited to use the #NRNChats hashtag to follow the stream and send comments and questions. NRN southwest bureau chief Ron Ruggless (@RonRuggless) will lead the discussion.

Participants in the Twitter chat will include:

  • Mike Lester, president of The Melting Pot Restaurants Inc. (@MikeJLester);
  • Karin Silk, senior vice president of marketing for Rubio's (@RubiosTweets);
  • Chris Tomasso, chief marketing officer for First Watch, (@First_Watch).

Share your thoughts on the Consumer Picks results via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter using #ConsumerPicks.

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