The pending federal minimum wage increase to $7.25 per hour appears to be ruffling few feathers as its July 24 effective date nears. While none of several operators interviewed cheered the 11-percent increase over the previous minimum wage rate of...
When the federal minimum wage hike takes effect July 24, some operators could be tempted to slash labor to protect profits. But stretching staffs too thin can make for sloppy sanitation, especially at the close of a shift, say those in the know...
An economic turnaround is still out of reach as restaurant chains continue to cut pay and staffing levels, according to a recent survey of Chain Restaurant Compensation Association, a group of more than 100 member companies. "This is a tough time...
Deals and discounts may get cash-strapped consumers through a restaurant’s door, but excellent customer service is what will keep them coming back—even after the economy improves and menu prices increase, say officials at The NPD Group.According...
With the recession putting an unprecedented squeeze on casual dining, the segment that came to life in the 1970s offering fern bars for singles is now pursuing that group’s progeny actively as it works to lure back lapsed customers. ...
The frozen-treat wars show no sign of cooling off as summer heats up demand for chilly snacks, and Franklin, Tenn.-based Tasti D-Lite plans to ride that trend to big growth with a refreshed brand image and an aggressive new franchise...
At a time when business is not operating as usual, Nation’s Restaurant News will present two influential keynote speakers who will offer insights into how to think innovatively during the 50th annual Multi-Unit Foodservice Operators, or MUFSO...