NEW YORK Ted Turner and George McKerrow Jr., brought their green tour to New York in early April, recounting the ecological steps they’ve taken at their Ted’s Montana Grill chain to several hundred restaurateurs, educators and reporters in the...
OAK BROOK Ill. McDonald’s Corp. has launched an "American Idol" Happy Meal promotion featuring eight toys representing the music genres performed on the popular TV show. The promotion also includes an online sweepstakes, which will award...
LOS ANGELES The Pinkberry chain here has settled a lawsuit filed by customers charging that its signature product does not meet the state’s definition of frozen yogurt. After the lawsuit was filed last May, Pinkberry officials acknowledged...
SEATTLE McDonald's is offering free espresso drinks in Starbucks’ home base of western Washington as the titans’ coffee war perks up. Three weeks after Starbucks unveiled a new social networking website called, McDonald...