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San Francisco moves forward on menu labeling

SAN FRANCISCO The Board of Supervisors here unanimously gave initial approval on Tuesday to require some chain restaurants within the city to post nutrition information on their menu boards and menus. Local media reports said the requirement, if passed, should go into effect in about six months.

The law will obligate local units of chains with at least 20 units in California to display the calorie, fat, carbohydrate and sodium content of every item on their permanent menus. Places that use a menu board instead of a traditional menu would have to post the calorie counts for the listed items on the displays, with the other data available in such forms as a poster or a brochure.

Afinal vote on the matter is scheduled for next Tuesday. If approved, the measure then goes to mayor's desk for his signature.

The measure is patterned to a large degree on a law that has been promulgated in New York City by the city’s board of health. A lawsuit challenging the legality of the New York City requirement has been filed by the New York State Restaurant Association, which argues that regulation of nutrition disclosure is reserved for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The association argues that cities do not have the authority to supercede the FDA’s oversight.

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