Mark Sullivan, who studied philosophy in college and initially had his sights set on graduate school, never set out to become a chef. But ultimately his family’s food-based traditions and his own world travels led him...
Silent-film star Mary Pickford once graced the halls of The Bernards Inn, as did other silver-screen personalities of that era, such as sisters Norma and Constance Talmadge, Irish-born silent star Tom Moore, and...
Rock Harper and Bonnie Muirhead both faced closed doors August 13 as celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, host of the reality show “Hell’s Kitchen,” gave the competitors instructions. Both were to turn their...
Chef S. Dean Corbett runs two restaurants, has a third in the works, hosts a local television show, produces a variety of gourmet products sold in local Louisville, Ky., retail stores and supports several charities.In...
WEST ORANGE N.J. The Manor, is celebrating its 50th anniversary, a benchmark few restaurants achieve. So it’s particularly pleasing for Knowles to see The Manor, which he calls “a living thing,” continue the...
AKRON OHIO. —Chrissie Hynde, lead singer for the rock group The Pretenders, is planning to open an upscale vegetarian eatery here this fall. The restaurant, to be...