Most Yanks residing on this side of the Atlantic read about British pub life or see it portrayed in films or TV, but relatively few have experienced the cultural phenomenon at close range. The British Beer Co., a seven-unit chain based...
With an eclectic résumé that includes an acting career in Hollywood, a country music CD and a published cookbook, chef Tracy Griffith, half-sister of film star Melanie Griffith, feels most at home with a knife roll.“Cooking was the other thing...
Chef-owner Jon Young poaches duck legs for 40-60 minutes in chicken stock. He cools them, pulls the meat off and mixes it with cooked cherry bacon.He mixes equal parts of rendered fat from the bacon and corn oil. He adds garlic, cumin, dark chili...
The high-priced degustation now has a modern, more democratic cousin: multicourse meals that offer variety, value and choice for less than $50. Thomas Keller, the renowned chef who has crafted $250 nine-course tasting menus at Per Se...
While whole-grain breads and brown rice may be growing in importance as dining options, when it comes to whole-grain pasta, slow and steady is the pace.An increasing number of chain and independent restaurants have been introducing whole-grain...
During the twilight of summer days this year, Great Bay restaurant in Boston is taking a page from the quickservice leaders and offering a value menu of its own. The seafood establishment will offer a $1 menu at its “island bar” during weekdays...