Silent-film star Mary Pickford once graced the halls of The Bernards Inn, as did other silver-screen personalities of that era, such as sisters Norma and Constance Talmadge, Irish-born silent star Tom Moore, and screen legend Stuart Holmes.The...
It is a common complaint that fruit beers are somehow less than “real beers,” that the fact they are fruit-flavored and frequently sweet makes them some sort of “beer cooler” rather than true ales or lagers.But consider this: Hops, the flowers...
Chef de cuisine Matt Alleshouse combines sliced Berkshire ham, watercress, skin-on pear slices, Parmesan cheese shavings and toasted, ground pistachios. He tosses those ingredients with lemon oil, salt and pepper.
Rock Harper and Bonnie Muirhead both faced closed doors August 13 as celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, host of the reality show “Hell’s Kitchen,” gave the competitors instructions. Both were to turn their respective keys, knowing only...
Buca Inc.’s president John Bettin not only tracks food trends, he may be setting a culinary trend himself. He is one of the first former R&D executives hired as president of a large restaurant chain.Last year Bettin took the reins of the...
What some people are calling “The Third Coming” of frozen yogurt is happening in New York and Los Angeles, but the jury is still out on whether this infatuation with a newer, high-tech version of a product that fizzled in the early 1980s will...
There was a week recently when it seemed difficult to open a London paper without reading high praise for Tom Norrington-Davies’ cooking. Food critic Fay Maschler credited him and his partners with “more or less single-handedly bringing astute...
Pastry chef Victoria Burghi makes a jam by reducing tomato with sugar and a few whole cloves. She puts the mixture in a baked pâte sucrée shell and tops it with cooked streusel made from almond flour, wheat flour, sugar, butter and cinnamon.She...