In a series of online videos, casual-dining chain Buffalo Wild Wings touts its sports heritage in advance of March Madness. In this video, a hard-boiled coach trains viewers to watch multiple basketball games simultaneously while checking their...
This interview is part of CMO Perspectives, presented by NRN in partnership with the National Restaurant Association’s Marketing Executives Group. The monthly feature explores how leading executives are navigating the ever-changing...
Chick-fil-A celebrates 50 years of its chicken sandwich in a video that highlights milestones in U.S. history, including the Apollo 11 moon landing, the Beatles’ debut, the turn of the millennium and the election of President Barack Obama...
Here, NRN senior food editor Bret Thorn explores this and other moves from top chefs from around the country. Have news about top chefs? Send tips to [email protected].
In a monthly series, menu trend analyst Nancy Kruse and NRN senior food editor Bret Thorn debate current trends in the restaurant industry. For this installment, they discuss activist consumers petitioning large chains to change their practices.