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Delfield Introduces E-Chef Modular Chef Counters

MT. PLEASANT, MICH. —The Delfield Company, a manufacturer of stainless steel refrigeration equipment based here, has launched the E-Chef line of modular chef counters.

The line, which includes such setups as hot-food tables, shelving and a soup well, is designed to allow chefs to mix and match the modules to meet their needs in the kitchen. —The Delfield Company, a manufacturer of stainless steel refrigeration equipment based here, has launched the E-Chef line of modular chef counters.

“By combining economical fabrication with Delfield’s industry-leading refrigeration, we have created E-Chef—a flexible and economical approach to meeting foodservice’s chef-counter and product needs,” said vice president of business development Bill Keske. —The Delfield Company, a manufacturer of stainless steel refrigeration equipment based here, has launched the E-Chef line of modular chef counters.

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