Cicis’ area for token-operated games has been dedicated and walled off with glass so adults can watch their children.
Ron Ruggless
Cicis has added electronic monitors that time how long pizzas have on the buffet line, flash yellow when they need to be removed or replaced and helps the brand lower food costs.
Ron Ruggless
Cicis buffet for pizza, pasta and salad has been updated with new equipment, design and color scheme.
Ron Ruggless
Staff member Robert Balibrera, left, takes an order at the renovated counter, which also includes a new salad bar.
Ron Ruggless
Cicis remodeled dining room now includes regular and bar-height seating with dividers.
Ron Ruggless
CiCis exterior signage has been updated with new colors and the pizza-inspired “spark” logo.
Ron Ruggless
Art conveys messages about the brand’s offerings.
Ron Ruggless
Cicis’ buffet offers a variety of pizzas, with stuff-crust recently added and flatbreads planned later in March.
CiCi's Pizza
Cicis, which has made a stuffed-crust pizza permanent after a limited-time offer, on March 7 will begin offering flatbreads on the buffet, executives said.